raindrops on the sidewalk

Sunday, December 7, 2008 ♥ 0

I don't believe in regrets.Well, okay, perhaps that statement is a little ambitious. But I do think that once we make a mistake, we should acknowledge it, right the wrong, make a change, and move on. No daily beating yourself up for the rest of your life required. Making wrong decisions, after all, are all part of life, and while sometimes we may regret the things we have done, I think that it is those mistakes that teach us lessons. And in turn, those lessons are the ones that shape who we are today.

Regrets.There are small regrets, and there are huge ones. But I suppose the bitterest tears we shed in life are not for the things we did, but for the things we did not do, and, especially, for the words that were left unsaid.*

*paraphrased, Harriet Beecher Stowe
beautiful photo found in Sweet Dreams Till Sunbeams Find Me

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