snail mail surprise

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 ♥ 3

Hello, sweethearts! How do you do? It's already the 22nd of December - where has time gone? I've been busy, busy, busy. But in the midst of the hustle and bustle, little things that happen throughout my days always brighten them up. Like family time - how I love my family. (: My sister came down for a two-week holiday with her beau, and we all had such a good time. If I'm loud and nutty, it's only because my older sister is ten times worst! Hee.

Also, I received snail mail from Gracie. It was such a pleasant surprise! Receiving any sort of mail always makes me happy; I hope mailing things the old school way never becomes a lost art. Anyway, this was the second letter I've received from the sweet, sweet Gracie and once again, it brought a huge smile on my face. I love the warm words that she writes, they're so genuine and she's just wonderful.

Along with an adorable Christmas card, she also included a little present: a Moleskine! *hops around excitedly* I mean, which aspiring writer (that's me!) or artist wouldn't want to own the same notebook that former European literary greats have used to pen down ideas in or renown artists have scribbled on? So yes, the legendary notebook of Hemingway and Picasso is now in my hands - and in two shades of pink at that! Gracie, thank you so much for this, I'm so grateful! But not only for the gift and beautiful letters, but most importantly for the friendship that has blossomed since discovering each others blog.

And also to you, lovely readers, sweet followers, and real-time as well as blogger friends. It's been so wonderful getting to know each of you and I just want to thank you for all the encouraging comments you all have left. Thanks for an amazing year of blogging, I can't wait to see what 2010 holds for all of us.

♥ 3 Response(s) to “snail mail surprise”

  • cody says:

    have the same one..only in red :D love my moleskine <3


  • Anonymous says:

    i love the old school way of mailing letters/packages! its always fun to receive things in the mail :)!

  • Gracie says:

    Ohh Julia! Your are simply the sweetest! Thank you so much for your beautiful words. I'm really glad that you liked the Moleskines. Although they are the tiny ones :)
    I'm so grateful and blessed to have 'met' you and the other wonderful friends through blogging. It's a truly fantastic community!
    Have a very merry Christmas, celebrating Christ's birth xx

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